
Top 10 driver dreads: New North West motorist won’t weather the British weather

Difficult weather, driving solo, and the dark make new North West drivers dubious about taking to the roads the first time, according to car insurance specialist Admiral MultiCar.

Out of the people surveyed in the North West, only 19% of new drivers were concerned about crashing, in comparison to 29% whose biggest fear is the volatile weather of the region.

According to the survey, 65% of respondents learn to drive for independence, half to travel at their own pace and 38% to travel to a job.

DRIVING FEARS: What were you most worried about the first time?

Emma O’Donnell, a new driver from Stalybridge, expressed how Manchester in particular was worrying to drive around. She said: “Being a new driver is all very well and good until you get to Manchester.

“There are roundabouts and ring roads that you have no idea how to use or which lane to be in to get where you’re going, so that makes me really nervous as well as all the other things you have to think about when driving.”

Spokesman for Admiral MultiCar, Justin Beddows, said: “Nothing quite prepares you for being on the road by yourself for the first time and it’s almost like you have to learn to drive again without the support of your instructor.

“Our own statistics show that people who have passed their test and move from a provisional licence are unfortunately, more likely to have an accident than a learner driver.”

The survey also found that nearly one in five (18%) of North West motorists felt confident on their driving test and once passed, were eager to hit the road by themselves the same day.

64% said they took a drive by themselves the day they passed their test, but 5% said they waited at least a month. Mr. Beddows added: “It’s perfectly natural to feel nervous when you first take your driving test.

“What is surprising is the number who said the main emotion they felt was confidence. I certainly didn’t feel confident, and it’s a memory that’s stayed with me for the last 25 years!”

The vast majority (77%) of motorists in the North West are confident in their abilities to pass their driving test if they had to re-sit it today. 23% believed that they would not pass.

However, this confidence did not necessarily match up to the reality that only 41% of the motorists surveyed passed their test for the first time.

Image courtesy of David J Morgan, with thanks.

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