
How to prevent hackers from coming after your PlayStation

Just when we thought it peaked, the PS network’s popularity grew even higher after the recent release of the PS5 console. Regardless of which generation console you own, you need to have a PS network account to play games on PlayStation. This automatically exposes you to a certain level of a security risk since hackers often target the PlayStation Network for multiple reasons.

PSN accounts hold a large amount of personal information, including people’s addresses, credit card details, and email data. When it comes to PSN accounts, no one considers them to be a danger for their personal information. Hence, not many people will go out of their way to secure their PSN accounts through safety measures such as using a VPN. Many don’t even know what a VPN is and why they should be using it.

All of this leaves plenty of room for hackers to breach in and get their hands on valuable information. These security incidents can lead to serious consequences, including financial and data theft and even identity theft. In some cases, hackers target high-level accounts solely for the purpose of reselling them to the highest bidder. Either way, they have plenty of ways to make money by exploiting people’s unprotected PSN accounts.

What to Do If You Suspect an Attack?

If you notice suspicious activity on your account, the first thing you should do is block all linked credit cards to prevent financial theft. If your PSN account gets compromised, call your bank to temporarily block all cards connected to that account. That way, hackers won’t be able to make any purchases under your name.

The next step should be changing and updating your passwords, including the email and the PSN account password. Make sure not to use old passwords repeatedly, as this could lead to new security breaches in the future. It is best to use a password manager to make sure all your passwords are strong and well-protected.

After changing the password, sign out of all devices to ensure the intruder cannot do any more damage. That way, you will be the only person to access the account, which will prevent further incidents.

How to Secure Your PSN Account

One way you can secure your PSN account is to enable two-factor authentication to prevent potential breaches. After all, it’s better to prevent an attack than to deal with the consequences.

2-FA is a great security measure for other devices as well, so make sure to set it up on your phone and desktop devices. Consider using a VPN across all your devices to reduce the risk of online security threats. What is a VPN? This cybersecurity tool can secure your internet connection and keep personal information private.

The best way to go about this is to add a VPN to your internet router. That way, all devices connected to the router will automatically be secured thanks to the encrypted network features. Besides VPNs and two-factor authentication, other measures you should implement include improving your password management, using antivirus programs, learning more about phishing attacks, and raising awareness about the potential threats. Keep in mind that accessing your PSN account via public Wi-Fi can expose you to a whole new list of threats. That’s why it is important to maintain optimal security on your laptop or desktop device as well.

Altogether, implementing these tips will allow you to enjoy the features of the PlayStation Network without worrying about data security and your online safety. If you suspect any unusual activity on your account, make sure to block your credit cards and change passwords as soon as possible to prevent further damage. If you’re fast enough, you might prevent the damage altogether.

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