
Oldham Council announces Black History Month celebrations

This month, Oldham Council is looking to celebrate Black History Month with Oldham Libraries, Gallery Oldham and Facebook Live Events.

‘Rock Against Racism’ is Gallery Oldham’s exhibition, a historic collection of photographs which traces the eponymous movement’s efforts to fight racism in the UK between 1976 and 1981.

The first Facebook Live Event will be entitled ‘When I Think of Home’ and will take place on Wednesday October 14, featuring singer, poet, writer, director and performer Cheryl Martin.

She will reflect on the challenges faced by her parents growing up in racially segregated United States.

‘Celeste’s Sparkly Cat’ is the second event on Saturday October 17, which is a more family-oriented story about a young girl, Celeste, who wants to obey her parents and stay at home, but has a sparkly cat who encourages her to break the rules.

Councillor Arooj Shah, Oldham Council Deputy Leader, said: “It is really important that we mark Black History Month, and this year there is even more of an emphasis on the month due to the raised profile of racism and black history in the media.

“Oldham’s history is intimately linked to Black and Asian history here and elsewhere, from slavery at the heart of the cotton industry that made Oldham’s name, to the present day where Black and Asian communities contribute so much to making Oldham a great place to live.”

More information on the events is available on the Oldham Libraries and Gallery Oldham social media channels.

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