
General Election 2017: June 9 in results, pictures, Tweets and quotes

You can follow our live blog here while read below for a lighter look at both the General Election 2017 polling day and results day – who will come out on top?


Lord Buckethead is celebrating after picking up 249 votes in his bid for the parliamentary seat in Maidenhead. 

Unfortunately the quirky candidate was pipped by PM Theresa May, who earned 37,718 votes. 

Here’s a picture of the pair standing side-by-side.




Lib Dem leader Tim Farron looked extremely relieved when he kept his seat in Westmorland & Lonsdale.

Farron managed to slide through by just 777 votes after a recount.



Jeremy Corbyn may have done the unthinkable by preventing a Conservative majority, but he’s yet to master the high-five. 

The Labour Party leader suffered an awkward mishap when he tried to connect with Emily Thornberry’s hand shortly after being re-elected in Islington. 

You can watch the cringe-worthy video below.


The snap election has officially resulted in a hung parliament. 

Theresa May’s desire for a ‘strong and stable’ nation is more in question than ever as voters – both Labour, Conservative and others – ponder what the future may hold. 




The morning after the night before…

A tired-looking Theresa May was spotted leaving the Conservative Party HQ.

Just hours earlier the PM secured her seat in Maidenhead as she faced up to the reality of a hung parliament.



Morning has broken and the nation is waking up to the possibility of a hung parliament.

There’s a huge variety of opinions bubbling to the surface as people react to speculation that Theresa May will step down and the huge gains made Labour.




Very different pictures coming through of Labour and Conservative candidates and supporters…


Lots of tired bodies in Britain this am, and with 30 counts to declare still no one is clear on what result the election has brought.


No, it’s not 1066 – but it is once again the Battle of Hastings. 

Or at least that’s what social media users have coined the incoming result in Hastings and Rye.

There’s said to be a number of re-counts going on as the counters tally whether Home Secretary Amber Rudd has kept her seat. 




Social media is abuzz after Jeremy Corbyn called for Theresa May to step down at PM.

The Labour leader she should ‘make way for a government that is truly representative of this country.”

Tweets have been coming fast and furious ever since.




PM Theresa May and husband Philip were spotted arriving for the count in Maidenhead.

May managed to flash a smile despite the exit polls predicting that she won’t quite achieve an overall majority.




Former deputy prime minister Nick Clegg has lost his seat in Sheffield Hallam. 

Since the result was revealed, a lot of people have expressed their sorrow.




The exit polls are predicting that Theresa May won’t get her way… or will she?

UKIP candidate Jeff Armstrong has told our reporter that he reckons losing the majority is the outcome the PM may have wanted.

He said: “It honestly looks as if it’s been deliberately done to make sure there’s a hung parliament.

“All the members of parliament at the moment, what they don’t want is to come out of Europe. I honestly believe that Theresa May perhaps may have done this deliberately.”



Our reporter Katie Burns has been talking to Bolton North East MP Sir David Crausby, who feels like he’s stepped back in time.

He said: “It feels like 1997. I don’t expect a 1997 result, but the atmosphere just feels really good. “It just felt really good, knocking on doors, no aggression, everyone enthusiastic about voting Labour.”

Cue the Spice Girls.


One man has managed a quick power nap amid the hustle and bustle of the count.

Will he wake up to a hung parliament? Time will tell.




This guy’s gone above and beyond when it comes to getting his message across.

He’s been wearing the cufflinks at the count in Boston and Skegness.




This election might well be remembered for its gripping election night.

It will probably hold a place in the heart of those who enjoy a bit of comic relief. With that in mind, check out these laugh-inducing moments.

1.    Jeremy Corbyn eats a Pringle

After the leaders debate in Cambridge Jeremy Corbyn met supporters gathered outside, where one offered him a Pringle which he gratefully accepted to cheers from the crowd.

Why does it deserve to be included?

Not the most exciting moment of his campaign trail but brilliantly bizarre, and for that reason it deserves to be recognised.

2.    Tim Farron asks if Theresa May is hiding outside your house.

Theresa May was notably absent from the BBC leaders debate on May 31st.

Criticising the PM, and making his best attempt to scare the elderly about the so-called Dementia Tax, Farron said:

“Where do you think Theresa May is tonight? Take a look out your window. She might be out there sizing up your house to pay for your social care.”

Why does it deserve to be included?

Following his comments a hilarious social media search for May began with #WheresTheresa  trending on Twitter.

3.    Ed Miliband reports Theresa May to the job centre.

Ed Miliband hasn’t had as much of a high profile since resigning as leader of the Labour Party in 2015. Forced to observe things from the sidelines, in an unexpected turn of events he’s since become something of a sassy political commentator on Twitter.

In a recent tweet, he asked West End job centre how he could report someone for missing two job interviews. The person he was referring to? Theresa May.

Why does it deserve to be included?

It wasn’t just a suggestion or a threat, he actually included the job centre’s twitter handle in his tweet.

4. Paul Nuttall barricades himself in a room to hide from reporters.

Like a toddler throwing a tantrum,  UKIP leader Paul Nuttall barricaded himself in a room and refused to answer questions from reporters back in April.

Why does it deserve to be included?

Purely for the fact the whole thing unraveled like an accidental comedy sketch.

5.  Iain Duncan Smith raps Eminem lyrics on Good Morning Britain

Mocking Diane Abbott for her car crash interview with LBC radio, Iain Duncan Smith rapped lyrics from Eminem’s Lose Yourself.

Why does it Deserve to be included?

This is the most middle-class rendition of an Eminem song ever and, let’s face it, we’re all a bit impressed Iain Duncan smith actually knew the lyrics and executed this so well.

6.    Theresa May reveals the naughtiest thing she did as a child.

Whether it’s giving your cat a dodgy dye job or smearing your mum’s makeup on the walls, we’ve all done something naughty as a child.

In an ITV interview Theresa May revealed the naughtiest thing she did.

Why does it deserve to be included?

The innocence, the primness, the reference to the farmers not being happy. There are so many layers to this response that make it incredible.

7.  Tim Farron takes a ride in a hovercraft.

Politicians are always eager for top photo opportunities during election campaigns and Tim Farron hit the jackpot when he took a ride in a hovercraft.

Zooming across a beach in Somerset, and posing up a storm, he looked like what can only be described as possibly the worst James Bond impersonator in history.

Why does it deserve to be included?

Just look at him.

8.  Ed Miliband calls the bingo in Doncaster.

Adding to his repertoire further, Ed Miliband became the caller at a bingo hall in his Doncaster constituency for a night.

Why does it deserve to be included?

When he says “number 10” the ladies in the room shout back at him “you wish” to much laughter.

He also sounds like a natural and looks like he’s in his element.

9. Karen Bradley gets asked how many cornflakes you can buy with 6.8p.

Labour candidate Barry Gardiner challenged culture minister Karen Bradley on social care during a live interview on Channel 4 News.

The highlight being this question about cornflakes:

Why does it deserve to be included?

More politicians should take their opponents to task like this. It’s so savage Karen’s left speechless and bemused.


There’s a few celebs chiming in on the action as the night rolls on.

Here’s what Lily Allen, Scott Mills and Steve Brookstein have been saying:




There’s still many hours to go into all votes are tallied up.

Until then, there’s plenty of people reaching for the coffee and planning an all-nighter!




Some people are calling for a little more fanfare around the results. 

Watch out David Dimbleby, Graham Norton could be coming for your job! 



It’s still unclear who will be the Prime Minister of the UK.

However, there’s no doubt about who’s the best dressed counter.

This guy is looking so very snazzy as he tallies up the votes for Boston and Skegness.




There’s one thing that people can agree on – Maoams!

The sweets are currently being passed around the Peter Paine Performance Centre in Boston.



Today the country went to the polls… and so did their dogs.

#dogsinpollingstations is a real thing, people. Check out these pooches waiting patiently for their owners to do their business in the booth.



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