Robyn, a seven-year-old girl from Bury, has gone out of her way in lockdown to raise money for her uncle who has suffering been with brain cancer since December 2018.
Back in 2018 Antony Lynch suffered a bleed on the brain due to a brain tumour he was unaware he was suffering.
Mr Lynch’s goddaughter Robyn is now doing a 5k walk every day this month to raise money for his treatments.
Since being diagnosed Antony has been non stop fighting and has had the support of his family and friends every step of the way with everyone pulling together to raise money for him.
Lee Bowers, Robyn’s father, planned to do a three day challenge alongside his brother in law, Daniel Jones, but sadly the current Covid restrictions have halted their plans, but they are hoping it can go ahead when restrictions are relaxed.
Not only did Mr Lynch have to battle his brain tumour, he also suffered a stroke which left him with no feeling down one side of his body and unable to walk.
He has since been struck by Covid-19 and is yet to come out of the other side and continues to be Robyn’s role model.
Robyn’s auntie Claire Cummins says; “He is nothing short of AMAZING and such an inspirational role model for Robyn.”
After hearing about her father’s halted plans, Robyn was determined to help her uncle out as much as she could and consequently came up with her 5k walk.
Straight after school Robyn will throw on her gym gear and head out on her walk whilst sporting her uncle’s face on the front of her t-shirt.

Robyn’s mum Laura Bowers said: “The courage, strength and determination he has shown over the past two years has been exceptional. He really is an inspiration to us all.”
After his stroke Mr Lynch attended BASIC, the Brain and Spinal Injury Centre in Salford and thanks to the experts help they were able to get Antony on his feet and walking with a walking aid.
With the money raised from Robyn’s walking Mr Lynch hopes to return to BASIC and progress further.
On March 31 Robyn will take her last walk and Mr Lynch hopes to get out to join her.
Robyn said: “I cannot wait for Uncle Lynchy to get better and be silly again.”
Click here to donate to Robyn’s amazing efforts: