
10 best sports events in 2021

Sports form a large part of our lives. They bring us together! Here are some of the best sports events that took place in 2021.

The world of sports often has its ups and downs, but never before have we had a year as exciting as the one that has just passed.

2021 has been a roller coaster, with more highlight reels than one might know what to do with, and in the world of online sports betting, one could easily have made a decent share.  

The Tokyo Olympics 

After being postponed from 2020 to 2021, the Olympics has been one of those events that seem to pause the world for a month every four years.

One can’t help but admire the best athletes going head-to-head for their chance of glory.

Often people train their whole lives to compete and represent their countries. This has been a truly magnificent event to witness! 

The Ryder Cup 

This classic golf tournament also fell victim to the year 2020, although this might actually be a blessing in disguise.

The Ryder Cup was historically known as a tournament that took place every odd number of years.

That is until the twin towers were attacked in 2001, causing it to be postponed. Ever since then, there has been something a little bit off about the tournament.

Something that, thankfully, has now been rectified as it goes back to being played on odd-numbered years.

The Paralympic Games 

These games might even be more impressive than the Olympics!

These inspiring games truly show us what humans are capable of when they cut down on their excuses and go after their dreams.

Sometimes witnessing these extraordinary results are just what we need to kick ourselves into gear and pick up that new skill or actually use that gym membership we signed up for on the 1st of January.   


These tennis games were a must-see for anyone who is familiar with the sport.

Novak Djokovic was set to defend his winning streak, which is now approaching a record-breaking 20 titles!

Everyone who enjoys a good cup of tea and some back-and-forth competition straight out of London was sure to tune in.  

Men’s soccer Euro Cup 

Another event that was pushed back 365 days was the Men’s European Soccer Cup.

Unlike most tournaments, this wasn’t hosted in one country. The Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) chose 12 venues distributed in 11 countries.

The cities were London, Bilbao, Glasgow, Amsterdam, Dublin, Copenhagen, Rome, Munich, Budapest, Bucharest, Saint Petersburg, and Baku. 

The Rugby World Cup of 2021 

On the 21st of August 2019, World Rugby announced that the gender designations would be removed from the title and simply be “Rugby World Cup “followed by the year.

The 2021 Rugby world cup will be the first female-game Rugby World Cup to be held in the southern hemisphere and will be hosted by New Zealand.  

U.S. Open Nine-ball Championship  

What some might think of as merely a game to play when out drinking, Nine-ball is taken very seriously in some places.

This prestigious tournament was hosted in the later part of 2021.

Joshua Filler was the defending champion after winning the 2019 games.

This tournament had a grand prize of $300 000 to motivate the professional players.

With these high stakes, one can imagine how spectacular the competition must have been and enjoyed.   

World Chess Championships 

There is often a debate about whether chess is a sport or not.

The Olympic Federation has come to see this strategic game as a sport, and wow, the world championship has a lot in store.

Magnus Carlsen, the current reigning champion since 2013, may opt-out of competing due to “lack of motivation”.

If you are a fan of the sport, this year’s games should have something quite beautiful in store for you.  

Dart’s World Championships 

This is another one of those games that we are all likely to be familiar with, thanks to our youth, playing ourselves, either at a bar, a friend’s house, or a simulation online.

This tournament is sure to start off with a bang as former world champion Adrian Lewis and defending world champion Gerwyn Price go head-to-head on the opening night.  

Formula One Championship 2021 

2021 will be the 72nd running of the Formula 1 championships.

There is a lot of tension before the race, as Lewis Hamilton, currently deemed the most successful F1 driver of all time, goes up against Max Verstappen, the new kid on the block with loads of potential.

In the end, Max Verstappen took the win and the championship.

2021 has been and will be a great year for sports across the board. There are numerous contentious match-ups taking place.

Time to call up your mates, start the barbeque, grab a cold one, and enjoy everything 2021 has to offer. 

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