
Hordes queue all night for Manchester Arndale Apple iPhone 6 launch – but sell-out means it’s fruitless for some

Hundreds of people were left disappointed after the newly-launched iPhone 6 flew off the shelves – with the bigger iPhone 6+ selling out within a matter of hours.

More than 250 people queued at the Apple Store overnight in the Arndale Centre with only a lucky minority had that already reserved their new gadget getting their hands on one.

Some Apple fanatics spent more than 18 hours in the line, with some even ordering takeaway food to keep themselves going throughout the night.

SIX-TH SENSE? iFans have been queuing all around the world for the iPhone6 launch (©Matt Aguilera with thanks)

However, for some would-be customers the wait was pointless as stocks of Apple’s new handset quickly dwindled and most who hoped to pick up a smartphone on the day left empty-handed.

Customers took to social media to express their dismay about the queues.

Twitter user George James, tweeting at @ge0rge_James, said: “Queues for the iPhone 6 launch are ridiculous!”

Fellow tweeter Chris Prentice, tweeting at @chris_prentice, agreed, questioning why anyone would want to queue up in the first place.

He said: “Que [sic]for the iPhone is absolutely huge. Why would you do it? #samsungsbetter”

SHOP SHOCKER: Apple devotees hoping to get the fruits of their labour (©Aaron Corkin via Twitter with thanks)

Others were happy that they had reserved their new phone ahead of time and did not have to face the queues.

Some also took to the microblogging site to criticise the organisation of the launch – with some accusations of over-zealous security staff.

Although most Apple-maniacs were not put off by the experience and could not wait to touch the new version of the device.

Image courtesy of Siju Salami via Twitter with thanks

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